

Physical Examination Of Urine


Ecxamination of Urine is a very important subject in laboratory testing. Urine examination is very common and need details knowledge and throu observation and examination. It gives an idea about urinary problems of the patient. It is a mirror of kidney disease. so, every doctor, lab technician shoud know the basics of urine examination in details. 

here is first post- Physical examination of Urine. next post will discuss other parameter. so follow and subscribe:

  1. 1) Volume

a.      Normal vol. 600-2000ml.  night urine <400 ml
b.      Oliguria= <500 ml/24 hrs
c.       Polyurea - > 2000 ml/24 hrs
d.      Nocturia - >500 ml at night
e.      Anuria <100ml/24 hrs
f.        Increased vol-
                                                              i.       excessive intake
                                                            ii.      drugs [ caffine, alcohol],
                                                          iii.      diuretics
                                                           iv.      diabetes insipidus
                                                             v.      diabetes mellitus
                                                           vi.      progressive chronic renal failure
g.      decreased volume
                                                              i.      prerenal- hgg/ dehydration /CCF/ sepsis/ anaphylaxis
                                                            ii.      post renal- AGN/ ATN / nephrotoxic agent/ CRF /

  1. 2)      Colour :  normal is clear /pale yellow/ straw

a.      Normal colour is due to
– Urochrome, Urobilin, Uroerythryn
b.      Abnormal colour
§  Red –hematuria/ hemoglobinuria/ porphyrin/ myoglobin/ beets/ mens
§  Cloudy- phos[hate/ urate/ bacteria/ pus/ contamination
§  Deep yellow- bile pigment in obs. Jaundice/ vit. B complex
§  Yellow- acreflavin dye

§  Yellow-green : bilirubin-biliverdin
§  Yellow-brow : bilirubin-biliverdin (beer brown)
§  Milky : pus/ chyle/ lipid
§  Brown : hgg/ porphyria
§  Black : alcaptonuria
§  Blue green : indicans dye/ pseudomonas infection
§  Blue : indigo caramine dye

  1. 3)      Odour :  slightly sweetish, mild ammonical on standing

a.      Fruty : ketoacidosis
b.      Fishy : proteus infection
c.       Ammonical : E. Coli infection
d.      Rancid : tyrosinemia
e.      Mousy : PKU
f.        Rotting fish : trimethyl aminuria

  1. 4)      Specific gravity : normal 1.016-1022 due to mainly Urea, NaCl, Sulphate, Phosphate

Decreased : dilute urine
Fixed (isosthenuria) : 1.010

Excessive sweating

Water intake
Benign nephrosclerosis
Diabetis insipidus
Severe renal damage
ADH deficiency
Polycystic kidney malignant HTN

a.       Method of examination :
                                                              i.      Urinometer :  at least 40ml urine required.
1.      Pour 40ml urine in cylinderà urinometer lower gently àtake time to settleà take reading
2.      Correction : urinometer calibrated at 200C.  Add 0.001 for each 3Oc increase , substract 0.001 for for 3Oc decrease .
3.      If urine quqntity in less, dilute with equal vol of water & multiply readingx2.
                                                            ii.      Reagent strip : Multistrix- colour change due to Na/K ion (> in conc. Urine) than H ion.
                                                          iii.      Refractometer : a few drops of urine is placed on glass surface, look through refractometer light source.

  1. 5)      Appearance : normally clear

a.      Cloudy in
                                                              i.      Amorphous phosphate
                                                            ii.      Amorphous urates
                                                          iii.      Pus
                                                           iv.      Fat/ chyle

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