

Neil island Andaman


Enter the Neil island on Jetty

Neil Island is known as the ‘vegetable bowl of the Andamans. It is a tiny but beautiful island located 37 Kms. to the south of the Andaman Islands. 

With unexplored coral reefs, brilliant bio-diversity, white sandy beaches and tropical forest and vegetation, it is one of the hot tourist spots in the Andamans.

The settlers named the beaches after mythical characters of the epic Ramayana-
1.       Bharatpur beaches,
2.       Laxmanpur beaches,
3.       Sitapur beaches,
4.       Ramnagar beaches etc.


Laxmanpur beach

 The island, with its very relaxed vibes and long, deserted beaches is a place to chill out after the "bustle" of Havelock. The widest part of the island is about 5 km in length. You can walk the whole island in about two hours.

What a beauty at night!

Men are mostly of Bengali origin. All are very honest and almost devoid of any types of robbery, cheating, frauid and stealing. According to one resident, “ you can keep a busket on roadside at night, and collect it in next morning- no one will touches it. This is the safest and loveliest place in the world.
The total population about 5000-6000. There is one govt. hospital, where all sorts of medicine are available. There is no private practitioner in the island.
People are very happy and they earn money mainly from coconut and nut. Vegetables are also found in adequate amount, but some vegetables comes from Kolkata by air- so, the rate are high. Cauliflower 100-120 Rs. Per kg, which is 5-10 times higher than Bengal. 
Coral bridge in NEIL ISLAND

Still people face no problems, they are happy.
Tourist are one of the important income source. There are high school. No college.
There is one helipad- mostly for govt. officials.
Natural beauties are unparallel.

 Sunset at Laxmanpur beach

Coral bridge are one important place to look, and important tourist spot. If you visit Andaman- surely visit to neil island, otherwise you will miss something in life.

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