

Embryonic origin of Human tissue



            Consists of columnar cells, which become cuboidal towards the periphery of the embryonic area. It gives rise origin to-
  1. epidermis and lining cells of glandswhich open on it, the appendages of skin, the hair and nails.
  2. whole of nervous system, including cranial and spinal ganglia, symp. Ganglia, post. Lobe of hypophysiscerebri, pineal gland.
  3. chromaffin organs.
  4. anterior lobe of hypophysis cerebri.
  5. epitheliam of cornea, conj. Lacrimal glands, canaliculi, NL ducts and sac.
  6. the lens.
  7. plain muscle of iris.
  8. neuro-epithelium of sens organs.
  9. epithelium lining of nose, PNS,roof of the mouth, gums, cheeks, Epithelia lining ext. ear and outer tymphanic membrane.
  10. enamel of teeth.
  11. some salivary glands.
  12. epi. Lining of lower part of anal canal,terminal male urethra, scrotal and penile epidermis, female vulval cleft including labia minora.


consists of flattend cells first, which become columnar.

  1. epithelial lining of the whole elementary canal, except area by ectoderm.
  2. lining cells of gland open into elementatary canal, including liver, pancreas, parotid glands.
  3. epi. Of auditory tube and tymphanic cavity.
  4. epi. Of thyroid and parathyroid glands and thymas.
  5. lining epi. Of larynx, trachea, alveoli, saccule.
  6. epithelia of most of UB and Urethra.
  7. epi . of prostate and paraurethral glands.


It gives rise to organ and tissue of the body.

It gives origin to
  1. all connective tissue and sclerous tissue and their arthrosis.
  2. Teeth except enamel
  3. whole musculture of the body , both striated and unstraited, except muscle of the iris.
  4. blood and blood vessels, lymph and lymph vessels.
  5. Urogenetal system, except most lining oif UB, prostate, & urethra. Derivation of vaginal lining is controversial.
  6. Cortex of suprarenal gland,
  7. Mesothelial lining of  plura, pericardium, AND Peritonial cavity.

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